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Feb 13, 2024

The Problem with “Gender-Affirming Care”  

Among children who exhibit gender dysphoria prior to puberty, approximately 80% will “desist” or out-grow this dysphoria by adulthood.

  • Gender dysphoria is marked and sustained over time;  
  • The diagnostic criteria of gender dysphoria are met (as per International Classification of Diseases 11)11;  
  • The patient demonstrates the emotional and cognitive maturity required to provide informed consent;  
  • Mental health concerns (if any) have been addressed;  
  • The patient has been informed of the effects of treatment on reproduction;  
  • The patient has reached Tanner stage 2 of puberty (the beginning of the physical stages of puberty) for puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones; and  
  • The patient has received at least 12 months of gender-affirming hormone therapy (before gender reassignment surgery can be performed).*** 

“The fundamental problem with gender-affirming care is that it misdiagnoses the problem.”

“The solution is not to radically reshape the body through drugs, hormones, and surgery. The solution is to help someone accept and love their natural body. ”